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1-1 running coaching

Online running coaching is for everyone who is serious about their running.  Whether you are chasing a new PB, want to step up to a new distance, or simply want to make running a regular part of your life, I can help.  I work with everyone from complete beginners to seasoned ultramarathoners.

Maybe you:

Need a more personalised approach than the Couch to 5k app

Are a regular parkrunner who wants to progress to 10k

Want support with your first half marathon or marathon

Are chasing a Good for Age time, or a BQ

Are running your first ultra

Want to fine-tune your training, race prep and lifestyle, over any distance

Would like a supportive, empathetic and expert coach

Why coaching?

Support.  I know how much you care about your running, and I am in your corner, a cheerleader who is willing you on to succeed.  It doesn't matter whether your goal is to run a continuous 5k or to complete a 100 mile race; both are equally important to me.  Through unlimited WhatsApp contact and regular phone or Zoom calls, I will support you through the ups and downs of training, help you solve problems and make commitments to yourself.  Together we will help you grow into a strong, resilient and happy runner.


Knowledge and experience.  I am uniquely placed to help both road and trail runners due to my extensive background in both disciplines; I blend ideas from both approaches.  My own progression, from adult beginner to Championship marathoner and on to experienced ultrarunner means that wherever you are on your own journey, I understand and empathise.  My extensive knowledge of fuelling, injury prevention, kit, races, shoe choice and much more will also be available to you throughout our coaching relationship.

The mental game.  You already know that training is so much more than just completing each session.  My counselling skills training and knowledge of sports psychology approaches will develop your mental strength as well as your physical ability.

Convenience.  In a busy life, it can be hard to make the time to plan your own training.  Perhaps you need a little bit of external accountability, or you like the convenience of following a plan that has been written to fit exactly around your life and commitments. 

What is included?

The plan: a bespoke training plan hosted on Training Peaks, regularly updated and adapted to you

Feedback: daily feedback through Training Peaks on each session

Communication: A regular catch-up call to review each training block and discuss future goals, plus unlimited WhatsApp messaging.

The other stuff: unlimited access to my extensive knowledge on fuelling, race day strategies, kit choices, strength and conditioning and much more

A screenshot from Training Peaks

1-1 coaching costs £105 per calendar month.

Get in touch for a chat to find out more and see whether I'm the right coach for you.

'It’s having someone on your side to pick you up when it doesn’t all go 100%, reframing the situation and give you the confidence that “you can do hard things”'

'Having the opportunity to train under Jenny has been an absolute game-changer for my running'

'I looked forward to our monthly calls, as it was a great opportunity to talk through how the training was going and how to tackle future challenges'

'Jenny is extremely knowledgeable and talking through your plans and ideas with her really helps to zone in on what's important'

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